• While it's definitely not advisable, Viagra, for the most part is safe for teenagers. It does increase the heart rate, which is never too safe, but I have plenty of friends and family who don't seem to be having too many problems with it. Keep in mind that having an erection for 4 hours can never be safe ;-)
  • If you don't need it, don't use it. Its benefits are few for people without erectile dysfunction and its side-effects include the potential to cause blindness. No one profits from using it illicitly, except the person selling it to you.
  • Not speaking directly to the "is it safe," but I can say that for those who don't need it, it can be more annoying than fun. My boyfriend and I tried it for a lark, we had fun, but then for almost 24 hours after a single dose, he had the after effect of, as he put it, "being like a teenage boy again." (Being a healthy man in his med thirties.) He couldn't pee, because touching his penis gave him a raging hard-on. His underwear made him semi-erect just because it was touching him. And forget it when he went to get coffee and a cute girl was working! All this sounds sort of funny and like a sit-com, but it was pretty agonizing for him by the end of the day. Especially with the not being able to pee. I can't imagine how much worse it would be for a geniuine teenage boy, with all those raging hormones! There's a reason, as other upthread have already said, that it's a prescription drug, for those who need it.
  • I doubt it. Surely there's enough rampant hormones in a teenager's body already!
  • HAHHAHAHAAH why do you need it?
  • Who cares?
  • I doubt a teenager would need viagra. I wouldn't recommend it.
  • It will make your little thing fall off.
  • At that age I would have loved something that did the opposite. I'd get a boner at the most inopportune times.
  • Why in the world would a teenager have a need or desire to take Viagra. Teenager wake up with an erection that one could nail a nine inch spike through a board with. I would be very concerned with the four hour erection issue if you have three hour erections without it.
  • Safe herbal viagra - best natural viagra alternative.

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