• 'Booyaka' is Jamaican slang used to indicate the sound of a gun-shot. It's usually said when pretending to shoot in the air with one's fingers.
  • That is the original meaning...however; a character from the game Final Fantasy VIII named Selphie says. "Booyaka! (It's a lingo I want to spread.)" - basically meaning the same as a word like "booya".
  • Booyaka Is The English Variant Of "Bu Yaka"; Turkish For "This Side," A Territorial Indication.
  • 1. Originally derived from an african tribal word meaning great shock or suprise. It's meaning was carried onto other cultures by eauropean explorers when they heard it used to describe a gunshot. 2. The name of a world famous Ultimate team from Canada. BOOYAKA is a spirited touring team dedicated to fun, spirit, playing hard. It has won numerous 'Spirit Awards'. Widely recognized by its tribal logo and orgasm cheer.
  • A phrase of excitement during sexual contact!!
  • Booyaka has multi meanings depending on the person. Most commonly used for hundedres of years is the meaning of "something good" like finding a diamond on the beach the person would yell "Booyaka!". Other meanings are Load noise, surprised, spooked, excited, and for slur BOOYAKA BOOYAKA = BANG BANG (gunshot blast).

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