• Yes, pro wrestlers do get hurt for a variety of reasons. Their athletic 'performance' requires a good sense of timing, in addition to strength and agility, and if their timing is off they can accidentally hurt themselves or others. They are also just as prone as other people to getting angry and 'losing it' in the ring and genuinely going at each other, though there's areal effort to keep these guys under control. Plus, sometimes accidents happen, and that 'breakapart' chair doesn't break right or things like that. All in all, it's a tough sport. (And please, no complaints about the use of the word 'sport', you can call it whatever you wish)
  • Yeah, there was one of those mini-documentaries on TV once in which the guy went and hung around at rehearsals, talked to the performers and so on. The message he came back with was that in the old days, when there was some attempt made to pretend it was all for real (the Gorgeous George era), not that many guys got hurt because they knew what they were doing and kept cool. But as the business has increasingly abandoned any connection with reality, the fans have nevertheless become ever more demanding, the stunts riskier, and the performers more intense. The result is that now, when no one in his right mind could believe he was seeing a real contest, serious injuries are on the rise. Weird. (Oh, and if people balk at calling it a "sport" it may be because WWE events and the like get licensed only as exhibitions, never as contests.) All in all, if I have to meet somebody in a dark alley, I'll take anybody in the ring over anybody at ringside.
  • Brett 'The Hitman' Hart had to reitre due to suffering a stroke, which was accelerated (some claim) by Goldberg's kick to the face that went wrong. Chris Benoit broke a disc in his neck which fragmented into his spinal column. Stone Cold Steve Austin broke his neck in a piledriver gone wrong. Owen Hart passed away due to a stupid stunt gone wrong. Triple H - the Game - tore his quadriceps during a match. So basically, yes. They do get injured.
  • haven't you watch training for wrestlers? yes, still they are human and they get hurt! but they do have training on every stunt they create that will prevent them to cause one another big problem..
  • Just adding a few more injuries, sabu broke his neck as did edge and hardcore holly during a match with brock lesnar when brock accidently dropped him on his head during an attepmt to powerbomb him
  • Also consider that the wrestlers are often on tour, travelling from city to city, performing these physically gruelling shows several nights a week, every week, for months on end sometimes. Obviously, the sheer fatigue of being on the road coupled with all of the routine bumps and bruises that come with the territory of being a pro wrestler can eventually add up to wear down even the most energetic of performers, and anytime one of these behemoths is dealing with being physically/mentally drained to the point that they start to make mistakes during their performances, it can greatly increase the risk of somebody suffering a MAJOR injury - or even death (RIP Owen...)
  • yes they cannot plan an injury. Being on the road as often as they are 300 plus days it doesn't take long for the body to sustain wear and tear. so sometimes planned moves can go wrong and injuries can happen.

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