• Approximately 2 years after puberty your epiphyseal growth plates which are attached to your leg bones and arm bones fuse so these bones are not able to grow any more. This is why you don't continue to grow indefinetly! It is estimated that this happens at an earlier age in girls than boys, around age 16 and 18 respectively. This varies in individuals. Around the time of puberty however we do have a growth spurt controlled by all the hormones in our body.
  • I wouldn't consider that answer completely true. I hit puberty when I was 13 and gained appox. 1 foot in the summer (side note: It really hurts when that hapens). I'm still growing 1/2 inch a month, and i'm 15 and 7 months. I know i will continue growing for atleast another year or 2. Others say I'll grow until I'm 18-19. But also, I may just be one of those odd persons out.
  • When theyr'e dead.
  • My sister grew 2 1/2 inches in her late 20's when she finally got good nutrition. My mother stopped growing at 12 because her family was destitute and she went hungry much of the time. So its not set in stone.
  • The persons head is the last part to stop growing and this occurs at the age of 30. Specifically the skull stop growing last.
  • The height that you achieve depends on several factors: 1) The genes you inherit from your parents; 2) The age you enter puberty (when you start to develop sexually); 3) the age you have your first period (if you’re a girl); and 3) your general health. If you have a chronic disease, for example, this will affect your height. Most young women achieve their full height within 12 to 18 months after their first period. (around 16 years old) Most young men tend to stop growing at the end of puberty when they begin to shave regularly. (around 18 years old) Reference Links:
  • People have been known to stop growing at an age of 6 and others stopped at the age of 50. It must be either genetics. The average it 16 for girls and 18 for boys. Its tough to say when people stop growing.
  • In my cause I was 13 when I stoped growing. I am now 25. I am only 4 feet 10 and I hate being so small. People think I am only 16
  • There is as such no age limit at which height stops increasing. If you are interested in having an assured and effective solution for your height-problems and want to incease your height then visit for details
  • Many people think that you keep growing into your 20s. That only happens if your a really late bloomer meaning that you hit puberty when you were like 16 or 17. Men will generally quit growing once they begin to develop facial hair. I myself was somewhat of a late bloomer, I did not really hit puberty till about 14 or 15, but I was done growing by the time I was 17 even then I only made it to 5'7" 3/4. I was sure I was going to grow more since my father was 5'10" but it never happened. The odds of anyone growing after 18 are slim to none. In fact, if you are in that age range and want to know for sure, have a doctor x-ray your leg and he will be able to tell if you still have growth plates, If you do then you may grow some more, if not your done.
  • I stopped growing when I was in 2nd year HS (that's why i'm really short). Boooo :( ..but I think most people stop growing around 18 years of age?
  • I stopped growing around my freshman or sophomore year in high school. I have been the same height, 6'2, ever since. Now my further growth seems to stem from my potato chip intake.
  • Its different between males and females...I guess about 25...
  • For woman it is about 16 for men its a little later, 19 but this changes per person and some people never stop growing.
  • On an average I'd say 18.
  • It varies between individuals but I would think 20-21 would be the latest.
  • If you take just the nose and ears, never. Until you die that is.
  • i started puberty at 12 years old and was five foot 7. i am now 20 an the the past couple of months i have grown to five foot 8 and a half. dont know why but hurts in legs when happens
  • i just turned 16 and im 5foot 4or5 im a guy. my dad grew late in high school hes close to 6 foot but docter thinks im done. my dad started puberty young like me. my moms short like 5 1or2. im thinking about growth hormone i read u can grow up to 4inches in a few years w it. but it takes so longggg
  • same age they start shrinking
  • I stopped growing vertically at the age of 14

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