• Honey bees die after stinging. The "stinger" is an undeveloped sex organ. Worker bees are undeveloped females, who will develop no further. In the fully developed female or queen bee the stinger is the ovipositor (egg depositing tube) connected to her ovaries, it's just a smooth sharp tube. In the fully developed male, or drone, it's the equivalent of a penis, but it's not smooth it has barbs on it and after he mates the barbs hang up in the queen and it gets ripped out of his body, family jewels and all. He dies from the injury, the queen absorbs his "testicles" and they become part of her body, she never has to mate again. In the workers the tube is also barbed, it's connected to poison glands that would be ovaries if she was sexually matured. When she stings the barbs cause the stinger, glands and all, to be ripped from her body, she dies from the injury. That's why you never use tweezers to remove a bee stinger, that will squeeze the attached poison glands and inject more poison,. Try to "flick" it out with a finger nail or even a credit card. ( Then use the card to buy anti-histamines.) Some other bees also die after stinging. Wasps do not, and I can tell you from experience that bumble bees do not. I was laying shingles and angered a hive of bumble bees in my roof, my roof? I can link you to a bunch of sites that say bumble bees nest at or under ground level. I did not attempt to debate the apparent discrepancy , I slid down that ladder like butter on a hot skillet. In one direction was the front yard and the door into the house, in the other direction a dead end corner. Them bumbles done me up right good before I got out of that corner, they grabbed a holt of my socks and just crawled in circles around my ankles. Stinging and stinginging and stinginginging and not one expiring. You think your granny has swollen ankles? I had to get out my bell bottom Levis to get past my ankles, but I never did get them past my waist, they musta shrunk over the years since the age of Aquarius. For sure them bees never heard of the era of peace, love, and happiness. Bummer.
  • Its like a self defence. if u kick someone, and ur leg comes off u die. but wasps can sting multiple times and not loose their stinger

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