• When a Latter-day Saint dies he/she is burried in their temple clothes. These cloths are very sacred to us as are the cerimonies for which we wear them. Because of this, no faithful member of the Church will discuss the meanings of the various articles of clothing in an open forum such as this. This is not meant to be a negative comment on other people, but the things of the temple require that a person have achieved a certain level of understanding and spiritual growth in the gospel in order to understand. (Even then we can get something new out of them everytime we go through these cerimonies for the rest of our lives.) So, we don't discuss them with people who are not yet ready for them. *********** "Alatea: Secret ceremonies but not secret if you do a search, and after you do, certainly you won't want to continue with LDS." As I am sure that everyone here is aware, not all information on the internet is accurate. This is especially true of any information that you may find out there about our temple ceremonies. Some of the accounts that I have read are down right lies. The various accounts also tend to contradict each other. So, they can't be counted on to give accurate information.
  • So, we don't discuss them with people who are not yet ready for them. Wouldn't that be a good reason for openness? Especially with a Mormon running for President. The thought that a serious candidate participates in secret ceremonies and explains that secrecy with the arrogant premise that the rest of the world is "not ready" gives me the shivers.

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