• Because the person you love may not love you
  • Fear of rejection or maybe commitment -- I know I'm like that big time
  • The second those words come out of your mouth its no longer casual, this is serious. Forgive the cliche but you are making yourself vunerable, you are basically telling the other person they are in a positon to really hurt you. After you say this you can never say well she/he never really meant that much to me, alls well that ends well, unless you marry this person it means you are going to get hurt eventually - theres no avoiding it.
  • If you don't get the "I Love You" in return, thats a pretty big mozza ball hanging out there. That episode of Seinfeld was on TV tonight.
  • because it can mean a commitment, you are opening up your inner soul and it could serious hurt you. It is a very important sentence and shouldn't be taken lightly.
  • saying ''i love you'' to the person is not that hard.but see if the person is really meant to you or how much see meant to you.
  • idk. i asked the same question. i believe that maybe it is because once you say that you can never go back to just having a little innocent crush. it is no longer just puppy love. it is full blown i love you, you love me, lets get married and spend the rest of our lives together, love. this can be a beautiful thing or horrible. yes i have gotten hurt by this before. but i have now realized that there is so much more to life that fanitizing over what you could be. i am no longer spending all my time looking for that perfect man. i live my life and what ever happens happens.
  • it's probably better that way. Less mistakes.
  • I don't find it hard to say.
  • could you be afraid of rejection or not getting the response you hope for
  • .. because you don't truly mean it.
  • I once heard a saying that I think is so true. It went something like this. It takes but a second to say I love you and a life time to prove. Basically what I get out of that is I Love You are 3 of the easiest words in the english language for many of us to say. Unfortunately so many of us use them too cheaply and don't really mean it when we tell someone that. Love is about a whole lot more than just telling someone you love them. It is a constant struggle and effort to show them you truly mean it by your actions. You don't tell someone you love them one minute then do something hurtful and selfish the next like sleeping with their besat friend. You don't tell someone you love them and never make an effort to show them you mean those words through little things such as cuddling with them or holding their hand and reassuring them you will always be there for them no matter what. Those who ffind those words hard to say do so because they know the meaning behind them and want to be 100% sure before they utter them to someone that they are prepared to back those words up with continual actions that prove they mean those words.
  • its hard because its a "feeling" word like its an expression, you are like full in the chest thats why its hard to say. but its easier to express by actions.
  • It isn't.
  • Fear. You need to practice.
  • yo amo el escritorio. yo amo la lampara. YO amo lampara. cuz people are too use to saying it to their mommas before they go to school.
  • it is hard the first time because you don't know if you will hear it back and is awkward as hell...+5.
  • I don't think it's that hard, at least not for me. I love telling my friends I love them :)
  • I don't find it hard. Although if i wasnt sure the person was going to say it back, then i would be more hesitant.
  • I don't find It hard,I always tell my s/o that I love her mostly everyday!!

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