• I think if it is starting to go grey and no-one noticed a sudden change back to the original colour, it doesn't matter. If, on the other hand, he is already completely grey, go with the flow. Grey looks very distinguished!
  • Very, especialy if your name is Colin....
  • If it makes you feel better do it.
  • Why not just shave the whole head. It looks a lot cooler that way.
  • Honestly, I've ALWAYS considered gray hair to be sexy... Even in high school! The older I get, the more I appreciate it... On other people of course. :)
  • I've been greying since I was 16 (now 26). It's still not much, but it's noticeable. Everyone that notices says it looks distinguished (who knows if they're just being nice). No one has ever said anything otherwise or led me to believe it's undesirable. If I were you, I'd leave it. Better to have gray hair than no hair. :)
  • richard gere doesnt need to dye his hair but president bush matter, as long as you're comfortable w/ yourself
  • i earned my grey hairs-think i will keep them-as for others if it makes them feel good rock on---just my thoughts-on a funny note was having a beer after work one day and a girl there told me i had the coolest hair in the place and wanted to know where i got it highlighted at-i laughed and explained they werent highlights but were gray in daylight she might notice that---smile and enjoy the day-cool question-have some points
  • you have to do what makes YOU feel comfortable, I don't dye mine bc I would "feel funny" about it but I know many guys that do and I think it s "ok",
  • Of course they should. Its their personal choice. It is no more undignified thatn losing weight and getting into shape. You wouldnt say that not giving in to "middle aged spread" is "undignified" would you? I dye my hair for a number of reasons, but the only important one is that it makes me feel better about myself and greying hair really doesnt look good on me at all.
  • Nope, gray hair can look very good on men. It all depends on how you wear it!
  • i think it's up to them really, my dad used to dye his hair but has no decided lifes to short to care, he says he's happy that he has hair at all. my husband is definitely showing signs of greying and i am quite looking forward to it, i think it's quite sexy.
  • you decide
  • No i think grey hair on men looks ok its when they attempt to dye it,thats when it looks awful.
  • why not? women do it.
  • whenever i suggest this i'm told i'm a daft old c***t
  • My hair is not only going grey there isn't much to comb anymore. To be honest one of my new years resolutions is to get the rest of it shaved off before it all falls out. Might as well beat it to the punch.
  • People should do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better and not worry about being 'judged!
  • Whatever each individual chooses to do, as long as they don't try and claim it is natural if it obviously isn't. An ex-boss of mine used to experiment with different colours, presumably to try and get his original colour, but denied that he dyed it, despite it changing colour every few weeks.
  • Depends on the man and the age when his hair gets grey. I am 70 and have grey mixed in my hair with more grey on the sides. I am a light red haired guy and dying my hair isn't really a viable option.
  • Well alot of celebrities choose to keep their gray hair like George Clooney and Richard Gear, people see it as sexy or nice on some but not on others, i guess its just a matter of opinion, personaly i dont mind gray hair on some.
  • I am 26 w/graying hair and I ask myself this question everyday. Though I feel only women should dye their hair, I just don't know.
  • I am growing some whites in at the temples and I shall never dye my hair, even if it goes completely white. I have earned each white hair. It is each person's choice. I do think it looks a bit silly when a person is old enough that it really stands out, but then, again it is everyone's personal decision.

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