• Yellow root, also known as Indian turmeric and goldenseal, has been used for centuries by native cultures around the world for its wide range of medicinal and dietary benefits. This root, in the same family as ginger, can serve to replace an entire medicine cabinet full of modern pharmaceuticals in a completely natural way.

    Digestion Benefits

    Yellow root has been used by native groups in America and India to help regulate digestion. Even today, yellow root tea can be an effective treatment for digestive system ailments.

    Stomach Benefits

    In addition to digestion problems, yellow root can benefit a number of other stomach ailments, including gastritis, heartburn, and problems caused by high stress levels.

    Antiseptic Properties

    Curcumin, a compound found in yellow root, acts as an antiseptic and can be used for the treatment of scratches, insect bites, and other wounds.

    Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Histamine

    Yellow root can be used as an anti-inflammatory and can serve to reduce histamine levels. The curcumin found in yellow root can act as an anti-oxidant as well, promoting heart and blood health.

    Cancer Prevention

    According to, yellow root can serve to reduce the risk of the development of certain cancers, including melanoma and breast cancer. The spread of cancer to other parts of the body can also be slowed by the regular use of yellow root.

    Source: - The Wonders of Yellow Root Turmeric - Goldenseal

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