• A remote control car has many different types of functions. Some functions are for personal reasons, while others may be for competitive ones.


    One function to having a remote control car is for personal enjoyment. Hobbyists get satisfaction out of creating cars from scratch.


    Driving the car around the neighborhood is an exciting way to kill time.


    Radio-controlled cars are used in local and national competitions. Racing the car for prizes or bragging rights is another reason for owning one.


    Many radio-controlled cars are replicas to real cars on the road. Many people have radio-controlled cars that resemble the actual vehicles they drive on the road.


    Racing radio controlled cars are a great way to meet people. These cars are fun to drive solo; however, meeting new people who are interested in the same hobby brings the excitement up to a whole new level.


    R/C Car Tips

    Tower Hobbies: Car Clubs

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