• Dry erase boards are available on the market in a variety of sizes and shapes, but often come at a hefty price. Dry erase boards can also be made from home with a handful of simple tools and a sheet of acrylic plastic. This strategy addresses the basic principles of building a DIY dry erase board in any size or shape imaginable.


    Purchase a sheet of acrylic plastic slightly larger than the intended size of the dry erase board. This will accommodate for any sizing or shaping necessary in the construction process. Acrylic plastic sheets are available in a variety of colors including white and clear. Customize a clear dry erase board by backing it with decorative paper before hanging it on the wall. To hang a completed dry erase board on a wall, purchase drywall anchors and washers. You will also need a drill and a screwdriver. Standard dry erase markers and cleaner will work just the same on this type of plastic surface.


    Back a clear plastic dry erase board with decorative paper to add color and prevent it from blending in with the wall. Use the drill to put holes in each corner of the acrylic plastic sheet. If the dry erase board is large, add additional holes to each side so that the board is secured to the wall more effectively. Customize the dry erase board in other ways as desired, such as by adding a decorative border or frame.


    Position the dry erase board on the wall in the desired location and drill directly through the acrylic plastic into the wall to create starter holes for hanging. This will ensure that the holes are made in the right places without requiring measuring. Use a level to make sure that the board is installed straight. Screw a drywall anchor into each of the holes, and ensure that each anchor has been made flush with the wall. Make sure that the board is cleaned before mounting it on the wall. The back side will be difficult to clean once mounted. Place a washer between each drywall anchor and screw upon installation to hide the anchors.


    ElephantStaircase: DIY Dry Erase Board

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