• Anovulation is the technical term for irregular ovulation. Not all women have the same cycle. To determine if your ovulation is regular mark on a calendar when you get your period. After a few months see if the number of days in between each period is roughly the same. If not, then your period is irregular. If you are trying to get pregnant and have irregular periods you and your doctor will need to discuss possible causes for the irregular ovulation. And then you can move on to potential treatments to increase your fertility.


    One of the big causes of irregularity in ovulation is stress. Reducing stress can mean changing your diet or exercise regimen; it could also mean seeing a therapist to address your mental health. Stress can be caused by family, or work problems. Reducing these problems can also reduce stress. In addition to stress, eating disorders, over exercising, and a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can also account for irregulation. There can be hormonal imbalances having to do with the pituitary or adrenal glands in your body. Speaking with your doctor will help you to identify possible causes of your irregularity.


    If after steps have been taken to reduce stress, and other causes have been ruled out. Your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs. Clomiphene (a drug that is in fertility medication) is usually the first thing a doctor will prescribe. This drug is recommended only to be taken for up to six months. A few days after you start to take it, you should begin ovulation. A week later, you should start to menstruate. 10 percent of women who take this drug get pregnant with twins. Occasionally fertility drugs make the mucus of the cervix hostile to sperm, but can be overcome by artificial insemination. There are other stronger drugs your doctor may prescribe depending on your situation. These "super-ovulation" drugs will stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs. Your doctor should be monitoring your progress on these drugs regularly with ultrasound. They are administered with an injection just under the skin's surface. 90% of women ovulate with these drugs. Between 20% to 60% become pregnant.

    Source: Irregular Periods (Oligomenorrhea)

    Web MD: Infertility & Reproduction Guide

    More Information:

    Menstruation Website: Irregular menstrual cycles

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