• Remove drugs from the body without any adverse reactions by following a schedule, flushing the body of toxins and consuming helpful supplements. Before beginning a detox, understand what physical and mental effects are associated with the drug and know when a professional is required to detox the body of drugs.

    Educate and Prepare

    Before attempting the drug detox process, learn about the specific drug and its effects on the body. Learning about the areas of the body that are affected by the drug helps to prepare for the detoxification process. Look into both the physical and mental aspects of the drug effects to get an idea of what to expect during withdrawal. Be sure to learn what methods are used to counteract the specific aspects of the drug detox so that everything is on hand before starting. For example, one effect of detoxing from opiate painkillers is diarrhea, so having anti-diarrhea tablets on hand is vital.

    Schedule and Wean

    To detox the body of drugs that are addictive, a weaning schedule works best. Instead of quitting the drugs cold turkey, which sends the body into shock, try slowly decreasing the amount of drugs consumed over a period of time. Scheduling the drug detox process slows down or potentially eliminates the adverse physical withdrawal symptoms associated with addictive drug use.

    Flush and Energize

    Drugs deposit potentially destructive free radicals in the body, and depending on the actual drug, may also contain harmful toxins. Flush out the toxins from the drugs by consuming lots of fluids. Pomegranate juice, acai berry juice and green tea contain high amounts of antioxidants to help the detox process. Additionally, green tea provides caffeine to energize the body's sluggish response to the withdrawal process. Be sure to also drink plenty of water so the body stays hydrated.

    Supplements and Vitamins

    Supplements are vital to the drug detox process. Valerian Root comes in both pill and tea form and is a natural way to calm an agitated body and mind. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid that helps with insomnia-related responses to withdrawal. Over-the-counter pain relievers provide relief for aches and pains, including headaches related to tension or the body's reaction to the detoxification process. Vitamins are essential and offer the body the nutrients it needs but likely will not receive through traditional methods due to a lack of appetite or gastrointestinal problems brought on by the detox process.

    Professional Help

    The drug detox process may be too overwhelming for some individuals to complete alone. Consult a professional health-care provider for prescribed medications or treatments for medical drug detox if natural methods are not an option. Additionally, medical facilities exist to remove the drug from the body with limited withdrawal symptoms in a hospital-like setting. Regardless of the choice of detox for the physical component, professional help is required for dealing with mental dependence on the drug. Counseling or group therapy helps encourage the drug detox process and prevents a relapse by offering support.


    Narconon Detox

    Utah Behavioral Healthcare Network: Additction Treatment

    U.S. National Library of Medicine: National Institutes of Health: Pub Med: Journal of the American Medical Association

    More Information:

    Herbal Remedies: Detoxification Products

    Novus Detox: A Safer Alternative to Rapid Detox

    Vicodin Withdrawal: The Thomas Recipe for Opiate Detox

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