• Dropped bladder, or cystocele, is a condition that occurs when weakening of the tissue between the vaginal wall and the bladder allows the bladder to intrude upon the vagina. Serious cases of dropped bladder may require surgical repair.

    The Facts

    According to the Mayo Clinic, a dropped bladder may result from a number of causes, including straining during heavy lifting, pregnancy, vaginal childbirth, violent coughing or long-term (chronic) constipation.

    Vaginal Repair

    Surgeons repair most cases of dropped bladder through an incision in the vaginal wall, according to the Mayo Clinic. This procedure involves pushing the bladder back in place, then removing any excess tissue and tightening related ligaments and muscles.

    Abdominal Repair

    Surgeons may also repair a dropped bladder through an incision in the abdomen, according to the Encyclopedia of Surgery. This procedure may be performed as a traditional open surgery, or as a minimally-invasive procedure called a laparoscopy.


    Individuals who have a dropped bladder accompanied by a dropped (prolapsed) uterus sometimes undergo removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) in addition to bladder surgery.


    The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library notes that women in their childbearing years may want to delay a surgical repair, since childbirth may undo surgery's beneficial effects.


    The Mayo Clinic: Cystocele

    Encyclopedia of Surgery: Cystocele Repair

    The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library: Cystoceles, Urethroceles, Enteroceles, and Rectoceles

    More Information:

    University of Michigan Health System: Cystocele and Rectocele Repair

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