• With a degree in criminal justice, there are a wide variety of career options that you could go into. A criminal justice degree will allow you to go directly into some careers, while others will require some additional training.

    ATF Agent

    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms is always looking for individuals with criminal justice degrees to join their ranks as ATF agents. These agents are tasked to enforce federal laws relating to the use of alcohol and tobacco as well as laws relating to the carrying of firearms and other explosive devices. A four year degree is required to become an ATF agent.

    CIA Agent

    CIA Agents are in integral part of protecting the United States from threats of foreign terror thus ensuring national security. Their main role as law enforcement officials is to serve as the main intelligence advisors to the presidential office. Fluency in a foreign language is often a requirement for this post as CIA Agents often deal with foreign intelligence.

    DEA Agent

    DEA Agents, or Drug Enforcement Agency Agents, are part of a crime fighting force that is tasked control the buying and selling of illegal drugs. The DEA looks for candidates with a degree in criminal justice with a grade point average of at least 3.0.

    Immigration Officer

    Immigration Officers work for the Department of Homeland Security to enforce customs and immigrations laws as well as to protect federal buildings and airlines from acts of terrorism. They are officers of intelligence, officers of investigations and officers of detention and removal.

    Probation Officer

    Probation Officers are needed at every level of government that has a court. While similar to parole officers, probation officers supervise persons who are not yet sentenced while parole officers monitor individuals who have already done their time and have been released.

    Source: Criminal Justice Degrees and Careers

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