• Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is generally thought of as a problem that affects adults. When parents start to notice that their child has persistent bad breath, some might worry that something could be wrong with their child. When it comes to kids, bad breath is rarely a symptom of a more serious disorder.

    Dental Hygiene

    The most common reason for a kid to have halitosis is poor dental hygiene. The bacteria that feed on saliva and food particles can cause bad breath if the child's teeth and tongue aren't sufficiently brushed. Also, food particles can get stuck in little crypts in the tonsils causing halitosis.


    Halitosis can also be caused by sinusitis, throat infections and even allergies. However, other symptoms like sore throat, coughing and fever are often present.

    Foreign Objects

    It is not uncommon for children to put things up their noses. Foreign objects can begin to rot or cause infection, which can cause a foul odor. If your child has put something up his nose, contact the doctor for advice.


    If your child does have bad breath, try not to make him feel self conscious about it, but take the opportunity to teach good dental hygiene habits.


    If your child's bad breath doesn't get better with proper dental hygiene, you should talk to your dentist. If the child had a cough, fever, or nasal discharge lasting longer than 10 days, in addition to the halitosis, you should contact their pediatrician.


    WebMD: Bad Breath in Kids

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