• Among computer technicians, CompTIA A+ is a sought-after industry standard certification, one that has already been obtained by more than 700,000 people around the world.

    CompTIA Organization

    Widely respected for its certification of computer-related education, the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) has been providing educational support and certification for the information technology (IT) industry since 1982.

    CompTIA A+ Basics

    Though CompTIA calls its A+ certification "the industry standard for computer-support technicians," it is, in fact, one of many industry-standard certifications that computer-support technicians may choose to obtain. CompTIA A+ won accreditation by the American National Standards Institute in 2008.

    CompTIA A+ Specifics

    In 2010, CompTIA A+ certification required a candidate to pass two exams: CompTIA A+ Essentials, exam code 220-701, and CompTIA A+ Practical Application, exam code 220-702.

    CompTIA A+ Essentials

    The first of these tests, intended to measure the competency of an entry-level IT professional, includes fundamental concepts of computer technology, networks and network security, and other computer basics. It also tests for communication skills and professionalism.

    CompTIA A+ Practical Application

    The second exam provides a hands-on certification of a computer support technician's ability to apply understanding in a real-world setting, rather than simply on paper. The exam involves troubleshooting scenarios that include asking what tools may be used to address a possible situation.


    CompTIA A+:CompTIA

    ANSI accredits CompTIA A+

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