• Babies require a lot of sleep, but they do not always sleep consistently through the night at first. This is why so many new parents are so tired and stressed out. There are ways to promote through-the-night sleeping for your infant. Following a few basic guidelines will encourage sound sleep for you and the youngster.

    Routine Bedtimes

    When you were young it is likely that you had a bedtime assigned by your parents. You are the parent now, and it is time to assign a bedtime for your baby. Of course, the baby will not understand bedtime as a number on the clock, but he will know based on his nightly routine that sleep time is coming soon. Put the baby down for bed at the same time each night. Turn the lights on or let the baby take daytime naps in a well-lit room during the day, according to This will encourage shorter naps and make him more ready for bed at night.

    Don't Rush to the Rescue

    When you hear your baby cry out or make noise in the middle of the night, don't rush to his side for comfort, according to the Insomnia Connection website. If the baby continues to cry or appears to be upset about something, obviously you should check it out. However, most of the time when a baby wakes up and is not disturbed, he will go back to sleep shortly. Wait for a couple of minutes and see if the crying stops.

    Turn the Lights Down Low

    Unlike the daytime naps, you want the nighttime sleep to be long and peaceful. Turn the lights low when you put your baby to bed. This will help prevent waking up and becoming interested in his surroundings at night should he open his eyes.

    Carry Your Baby

    Spend a considerable amount of time in the evening carrying your baby around. Use a sling or papoose-style carrier to keep your baby close to you as bedtime approaches. This is comforting to a child and it will settle him down and make the move to the crib much more natural.

    Calm Evenings

    Do not allow your home to become a chaotic place at night with lots of loud noise and activity. If your house is calm in the evening hours leading up to bedtime, your baby will go to sleep easier and be relaxed enough to sleep through the night, according to


    If your baby wakes from hunger in the middle of the night, nurse or bottle-feed him without turning any lights on. Turning on the lights may indicate that it is time to get up and you will have a harder time getting him to fall back asleep. Limit all activity in this situation to feeding only.


    iVillage: 8 Simple Strategies to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

    Insomnia Connection: How Can I Help My Baby Sleep?

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