• Snoring is common among adults. It isn't always just a loud and annoying condition that can keep other from getting enough sleep. Snoring can be a serious health concern. Treatments are available and they are successful.


    Often lifestyle changes that include weight loss, abstaining from alcohol near bedtime and sleeping on your side are remedies enough for some snorers. Nasal strips also provide relief. Other times more significant measures must be taken.

    Mouth Pieces

    Oral apparatuses, similar to mouth guards, can be fitted into position for snorers between the tongue and soft palate to keep air passages open. Regular dentist visits are suggested to monitor the snoring condition and the patients bite.


    A surgical procedure called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), performed under general anesthesia involves a surgeon tightening and trimming excess tissues in the throat. An outpatient surgery procedure for snoring is laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP). It is not recommended for light snorers and may involve more than one procedure. A doctor will use a laser beam to shorten the soft palate and remove the uvula.

    Radio Frequency

    A new procedure using a low-intensity radio frequency signal to remove part of the soft palate has been performed to prevent snoring. This is done as as outpatient procedure with local anesthesia.


    Used successfully to treat sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) involves wearing a pressurized mask over the nose while sleeping. The mask is attached to a small pump that propels air through the airway, keeping airways open. Many find the mask cumbersome and awkward.


    Tips abound to help snorers stop. Avoiding alcohol, regular sleep patterns, a thicker pillow, a spoonful of sugar, nasal sprays, avoiding heavy meals and a regular sleep routine can all help.


    Mayo Clinic: Snoring

    Stop Snoring Tips

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