• Down pillows are wonderfully soft and cushiony, but many people wonder how difficult it might be to clean them. Fears about mildewing, damaging the feathers or the pillow itself, or being unable to rinse detergent completely from the pillow may have crossed your mind as you contemplate throwing it into the washing machine. You can relax and wash away safely by following a few simple guidelines.

    Washing Your Pillows

    Inspect your pillows carefully to ensure there aren't any rips or tears in them and to ensure the ticking is secure. To balance things out in your washer, wash two pillows at a time, whether they're both down-filled or not. To prevent breaking the airy, fluffy feathers that make these pillows so lovely, use the delicate cycle and a warm water setting. If you have a low-spin setting on your machine, use it; if not, consider alternating between letting the machine agitate for a few minutes and simply soaking the pillows in the soapy water. A small amount of mild detergent should be enough to clean the pillows effectively. Rinse the pillows at least two extra times after the wash cycle is complete, again using the low-spin setting. The goal is to remove as much water as possible without damaging the pillow.

    Drying Your Pillows

    Use a low-heat setting to dry your pillows, and add a few clean tennis balls or tennis shoes to help fluff the pillows and break up clumps that might occur. Between cycles or, if time permits, periodically during a cycle, take the pillows out of the dryer and fluff them by hand. It might take several hours to dry them completely, and although the outside may feel dry, there still may be moisture at each pillow's core. Any lumps or clumps of feathers that you feel indicates that they aren't completely dry and should be broken up by fluffing by hand and returning them to the dryer again for another cycle. It is safe to add a dryer sheet if desired to add a fresh, clean scent while pillows dry. If the weather is warm and dry outside, you can place pillows in the sun to dry them further. This also works if pillows develop a musty aroma, which likely means that they were not completely dry in the first place.

    The Bottom Line

    When cleaning down pillows, there are two factors to keep in mind: Treat them gently, and clean and dry them thoroughly. You don't have to be afraid to wash them. To maximize your chances for a trouble-free procedure, though, follow these guidelines for a clean, fresh, fluffy place to lay your weary head.


    Good Housekeeping: Heloise Hints--Washing Feather Pillows

    Pacific Coast Feather Co.: Care Instructions

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