• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Heat from Laptops Can Decrease Fertility

    When men put laptops on their laps, the heat near the scrotum can damage sperm and affect fertility, according to Times Online. Not only does the heat of the laptop cause a rise in body heat between the thighs, the way of sitting with the legs closer together than a normal sitting position can also increase heat.

    On the Other: There is No Proof Yet

    Researcher Dr. Yefim Sheynkin said in the Times Online article that the frequency and time of heat exposure and changes to sperm is not yet known. He stated that frequent use of laptops over years might cause changes in reproductive function, which would be either irreversible or partially reversible.

    Bottom Line

    The body needs to have proper testicular temperature in order to have normal sperm production, according to Dr. Sheynkin. Laptops increase the temperature to that area when kept on the lap. Therefore, until conclusive evidence says the practice is not harmful to sperm, teenage boys and young men should limit the amount of time they use a laptop on their lap.


    Times Online: Careful, Lads, That Laptop Might Burn Your Genes

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