• A heart attack victim who is rushed to an acute care hospital for life-saving medical treatment doesn't need to worry about pulling out her insurance documentation before being treated. This means everyone has an equal shot at medical help, no matter their medical coverage.


    According to the Hawaii State Health Planning Index, an acute care hospital provides medical services to anyone who needs them, regardless of their ability to pay. Care is usually available on a 24-hour basis.


    Acute care hospitals provide emergency services for patients suffering from conditions such as heart attacks, respiratory problems, and shock. They also perform routine medical procedures, surgeries, post-surgery follow-ups, and emergency help.


    Acute care hospitals are traditional hospitals, not separate medical facilities. They provide intensive inpatient and outpatient services. Some acute care hospitals provide strictly short-term services, while others provide long-term rehabilitation.


    The acute care section of Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, for example, consists of a 30-bed inpatient beds. It serves a wide variety of cases, ranging from severe illnesses to pediatrics.


    While patients receive acute care regardless of their ability to pay, the care is not free in most states. Medicare reimburses acute care expenses up to a set limit.


    Hawaii State Health Planning Index: Acute Care Hospital

    Sentara: Acute Care

    HHC: Frequently Asked Questions

    More Information:

    Valley View Hospital: Acute Care

    St. Mary's Medical Center: Acute Rehabilitation

    Center for Medical Advocacy: Acute Hospital Care

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