• You have a number of different types of speed sensors in your car, but the one most likely to malfunction is the one that communicates the speed of your vehicle to the car's computers.


    The vehicle speed sensor is just one of many sensors that communicate with your car's computer. It monitors the speed of your car so the computer can correctly control gear shifts and other transmission functions.

    When the Sensor Goes Bad

    When your car's speed sensor malfunctions, it stops correctly communicating information from the transmission to the computer, leading your car to exhibit many symptoms that may cause you to think your transmission is going bad.

    Most Common Symptom

    When your speed sensor goes out, the first thing you may notice is that your speedometer needle starts wildly spinning or moving back and forth.

    Gear Shifting

    Another common symptom of a bad speed sensor is that your car will seem unable to pick a gear. It may shudder or jerk and seemingly skip gears upon acceleration and deceleration.

    Other Symptoms

    Other symptoms that indicate a failed speed sensor can include the inability to use cruise control, a dramatic increase in fuel consumption and rough idling.


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