• Too many glasses of water, too much coffee, all that soda--it's no wonder there are so many trips to the bathroom. However, when those frequent bathroom trips continue after you have cut back on liquids and the visits are constant and even painful, the next trip should be to your doctor.


    Allen D. Seftel, M.D., an assistant professor of urology at University Hospitals of Cleveland noted that kidney stimulants and bladder irritants are the most common causes of frequent urination. These include coffee and alcohol which are natural diuretics.


    High blood pressure medication and medications used to treat urinary tract infections (most common in women) are other causes of frequent urination. In men, an enlarged prostate or prostate infections can be blamed. Water pills, used by dieters and women with premenstrual symptoms, to alleviate excess bloat or retained fluids are other causes.


    Uncontrolled and under-treated diabetes can cause frequent urination. Kidney stones, bladder infections, or blockages that prevent full elimination may also result in excessive urination.


    The normal aging process transfers production of urine from day to the night. Two thirds of urine in older people is produced at night and only one third during the day. This is called nocturia and is the opposite of children, according to Margaret M. Baumann, M.D., associate chief of staff for geriatrics and extended care at the Veterans Administration West Side Medical Center in Chicago.


    A stroke or other neurological diseases can result in frequent urination. Bladder cancer and radiation therapy are causes.

    Urinary Incontinence

    Urinary incontinence is a condition where an individual is unable to keep urine from leaking from the urethra. It can be an occasional leakage of urine or a complete inability to hold in any urine. The urgent need to urinate is often constant.


    Causes of Frequent Urination.

    Frequent Urination

    Urinary incontinence

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