• People who need to be at their computer for long periods recognize the need for the computer chair they use to slide easily around the computer area. This facilitates activities such as quickly reaching filing cabinets, passing data to other employees, or simply rising and sitting at the work station. Computer chairs don't always slide as easily as they should. Most problems with "stuck" chairs are easily remedied and can be fixed in 15 minutes or less.

    Physical Obstruction

    As much as most of us prize a clean work environment, it's a virtual inevitability that some dirt and debris will fall onto the floor around your desk. This debris can be anything from salt carried in from winter boots to tiny pieces of paper that fall out of paper punches. Over time, this dirt can collect on the surfaces of the wheels and the wheel joints of an office chair. The result is that the wheel becomes physically obstructed and can't turn properly. Find the user manual for the chair, grab some tools based on the manual requirements and disassemble the wheels. Wipe the wheel paths and joints, as well as the wheels themselves, with a damp paper towel. If you have to do so, you can put a little degreaser on the paper towel or some Q-tips to get the gunk out of the way, or scrape it off with an old butter knife or screwdriver tip.

    Incorrect Assembly or Wear

    Some manuals for computer chairs read beautifully and are incredibly easy to follow. Others barely are worth the paper on which they're printed. Turn your chair over and see if you can see any parts that may not be installed properly, such as a bent brake or clip mechanism. If something looks different from all the other wheels, or if you can identify where the friction is being created, take the wheel mechanism off and see if you can reassemble it. If the chair has become damaged due to excess use or weight, you may see signs of wear like plastic that is turning white or metal that has scrape marks. See if you can reinforce these points with some fiberglass resin or tap them back into their original shape with gentle hammer taps.


    If the work station is in an area that has extremely deep carpet, carpet fibers may bind in the wheels, even if they don't get pulled out into the wheel mechanism completely. The simplest solution for this is to purchase a chair mat from any local office supply or department store. You can purchase mats online as well.

    Source: Office Chair Fixes

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