• Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or near the alimentary canal and are the result of pressure in and around the pelvis and anus regions. When the swollen veins are inside the alimentary canal they're called internal hemorrhoids.


    Home treatment won't eliminate hemorrhoids but will provide relief.

    Over-the-Counter Medications

    Medications that contain witch hazel, lidocaine and hydrocortisone shrink and relieve the itching of hemorrhoids, as do suppositories.

    Personal Habits

    Keeping your anus area clean is important. When your hemorrhoids flair up, refrain from using dry toilet paper as wiping irritates them. Use hypo-allergenic baby wipes instead and take a tub or sitz bath or shower after a bowel movement, if necessary.

    Physician Treatments

    Sclerotherapy injections are designed to shrink hemorrhoidal tissue. Rubber band ligation is a technique where a rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid. This shuts off its blood supply and the hemorrhoid will fall of after a few days. Infrared photocoagulation is infrared radiation focused on the hemorrhoid with a probe, which burns it.


    As a last resort, hemorrhoidectomy surgery can be performed.


    Bleeding from the anus may be the result of colon, rectal or anal cancer. If bleeding persists after treatment, see your doctor.



    Get Help for Your Hemorrhoids

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