• A woman who has found herself urinating more frequently could be experiencing symptoms of a variety of conditions, ranging from normal body functions to serious diseases.

    Stage of Life

    Women can often experience frequent urination while pregnant, especially if there has been a prior pregnancy, as well as during menopause.

    Everyday Life

    Frequent urination may occur in women who are under a lot of stress, consume a lot of caffeinated substances or water, consume a lot of alcohol or have high levels of calcium in the blood.

    Infections and Mild Conditions

    Urinary tract infections often cause women to urinate more frequently as well as an overactive thyroid.

    Serious Conditions

    More serious conditions which affect a woman's frequency in urination are diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, a stroke or other nerve damage, or an STD such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes.

    Prescription Pills

    Sometimes, heart medication, such as water pills will cause a woman to urinate more often.


    Urology Clinics: Causes of Frequent Urination (Women) - Causes

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