• Disc disease can occur anywhere in the spine, and cervical disc disease affects the neck area (seven cervical vertebrae and discs). Severe disease might interrupt normal spinal cord function, which can cause balance problems. The disease usually results from trauma, injury or aging.


    Degenerative disc disease, herniated disc and black disc are the same. Essentially, a disc (jelly-like cushion between each vertebrae) loses fluid, and its center protrudes outward against the spine, and more than once disc can be involved. With nerves in close proximity to discs, they can compress to interfere with balance.


    The symptoms of cervical disc disease are burning pain; tingling arm; arm, hand or finger numbness; dizziness; weakness; headaches; or balance problems. These may occur in general or with certain neck movements.


    Cervical vertigo is a feeling of being out of balance due to cervical spine inflammation or deterioration. If the neck muscles are too tight, this can impair proper signaling from the muscles to the brain. In this case, your sense of equilibrium (balance) could be off.

    Cervical Spine and Balance

    The cervical spine's main function is to support the head. If the head undergoes too much motion, which can occur with whiplash or even during a roller coaster ride, you tend to get dizzy. It makes sense that any cervical abnormality (including disc disease) could lead to balance disturbances.

    Other Causes

    Balance problems can also be caused by disturbed vision, an inner ear issue, a head injury, specific medications, brain or heart malfunction or more. Always seek medical attention to ensure the exact cause of your balance issues.


    UCLA Health System: Degenerative Disc Disease

    The Ear Institute of Texas: Cervical Vertigo

    The National Institutes of Health: Cervical Spondylosis

    More Information:

    National Institute on Deafness: Balance Problems

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