• Some people may cough, sneeze or break out into a rash when around dogs. Though it can be extremely perplexing for an owner or dog lover to realize they have an allergic reaction to their canine pals, there are some options and potential remedies for relief.


    People with hypersensitive immune systems are, or can become, allergic to normally harmless proteins contained within the dander, urine or saliva of a dog. When humans come in contact with these allergens, discomfort and visible symptoms may occur.


    Itchy eyes or skin, runny nose, trouble breathing or visible rashes are all potential symptoms of an allergic reaction to dogs. Some people may not even be aware they are allergic and think their increased irritation is due to some other cause until prolonged time away from dogs occurs.


    Occasionally people believe they are actually allergic to the dog's hair. This is a fallacy as it is dander, saliva or urine attached to the hair that causes the allergies. Another myth is that some dogs are hypoallergenic. Though some breeds, like Schnauzers and Terriers, tend to shed less dander than most dogs, no dog is completely allergen-free.


    One solution is to remove the dog from your surroundings, though some pet owners obviously find this a difficult or impossible solution. Keeping a dog well-groomed and maintaining cleanliness in all areas populated by the dog is key to reducing allergic reactions. Additionally, some medicines to treat asthma or other allergies may provide relief.


    If you do find yourself having severe allergic reactions to your pet, talk to your doctor or pet specialist immediately. Do not go on any heavy medication to relieve dog allergies without first consulting a physician.

    Source: Allergic to Dogs? Human Allergies to Dogs

    More Information:

    Allergy Info Tips

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