• HGH, or human growth hormone, is a protein-based, poly-peptide, synthetic hormone used to promote the immune system in people with autoimmune disease and various diseases that prohibit normal growth patterns.

    Benefits of HGH

    HGH is also prescribed for growth hormone-deficient people as an antiaging regimen. Reported benefits include weight loss, increased bone density, improved immune system and more.

    Risks of HGH

    There may be possible risks to long-term HGH use, for it stimulates cell growth and reproduction, and some argue that HGH may stimulate tumor growth; this is debatable.

    Benefits of Colostrum

    Colostrum, first used in the 1940's, is a supplement purchased over the counter without a prescription in health food stores. First milking bovine colostrum is derived from the milk of cows and is considered a whole-food dietary supplement; it is said to stimulate the immune system.

    Risks of Colostrum

    People who are allergic to milk should not take colostrum.

    Supplement Reference

    A good reference to learn about colostrum and other supplements is the guidebook "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, and James F. Balch, MD. There are listings for supplements in this reference book from A to Z.


    Prescription for Nutritional Healing

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