• Futures represent a contract to buy and or sell an asset at a preset price and a predetermined date some time in the future. Options on futures make up a subset of the futures trading strategy.


    Futures trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Futures contracts obligate the buyer or seller of the contract to deliver the underlying asset in physical form or in cash on a future date.

    Underlying asset

    Futures contracts exist on many physical goods such as coffee, sugar and orange juice, plus on many financial instruments, such as foreign currency.

    Options on futures

    While the futures contract obligates the holder to deliver the asset at a fixed price and date in the future, options only give the option holder the right not an obligation to buy or sell the asset at some point in the future.


    Using a futures and option trading strategy requires in-depth knowledge of the commodities traded. The trader must possess a good understanding of what causes commodity prices to rise and fall.


    Futures and options trading involve high risk. Not only can the trader lose the initial margin amount invested, but also all monies in her account plus more stand at risk.

    Source: Terms - Options Understanding and manaing the risk of futures trading

    More Information:

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange: The Basics Resource Center

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