• Weight-bearing exercise encompasses a wide range of activities in which the body moves against gravity, including walking, running, lifting weights, dancing and climbing stairs. This type of exercise has many benefits, both physical and psychological.

    Bone Health

    Weight-bearing exercise exerts pressure on bones, which encourages them to grow stronger. This can reduce the risk of bone fractures and fend off or improve osteoporosis.

    Lowering Cholesterol

    These activities encourage the body to produce good cholesterol and decrease triglycerides (forms of fat) that are typically high in people with cholesterol problems.

    Increased Energy

    When you exercise, you increase the flow of nutrients and oxygen to your tissues. This increases your energy level, which boosts physical and mental well-being.

    Heart Health

    Weight-bearing exercises promote healthy blood circulation throughout the body, helping the heart work better and more efficiently.

    Disease Prevention

    While no magic bullet exists for avoiding certain diseases, regular physical activity can decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Source: What Is Weight-Bearing Exercise? 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity

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