• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive problem that occurs when the acid and partially digested food in your stomach flows backward into your lower esophagus, causing pain in your throat.


    If you have GERD, some foods will stimulate your stomach to produce excess acid that worsens your symptoms. Other foods weaken the muscle that controls the opening between the top of your stomach and your esophagus.


    According to eMed TV, caffeine and alcohol increase the amount of stomach acid you produce. Alcohol, chocolate, and high-fat or fried foods weaken the esophageal muscle. You should also avoid acidic fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, and condiments like mustard and garlic.


    In general, it's best to choose foods in the most natural state possible. Fresh oranges, for example, are less likely to cause GERD symptoms than orange juice.


    According to Acid Reflux Diet Resources, you should select foods that are low-fat, use little or no spices, and grilled or steamed rather than fried. It's a good idea to include whole grains at each meal as well.


    If you have GERD, you can get healthy protein without heartburn if you choose lean meat options such as grilled fish or chicken, or dishes prepared with egg whites. Some good dairy choices are low-fat cheese and moderate amounts of non-fat or low-fat milk.


    Mayo Clinic: GERD

    eMed TV: GERD Foods to Avoid

    Acid Reflux Diet Resources: Acid Reflux Diet

    More Information:

    Medline Plus: GERD

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