• Vaginal dryness is associated with hormone fluctuations, both at menopause and at other times. It can be treated with commercial sexual lubricants or hormone-based products.


    Vaginal dryness can be irritating, but it's usually benign. It's often associated with the hormonal changes that come at menopause, but may also occur due to hormonal shifts during a woman's regular cycle, birth control pills or stress. Vaginal dryness can cause itching or stinging and can also make sexual intercourse uncomfortable.


    Before treating the symptoms, though, make sure there's not a more serious condition at play. If there's vaginal discharge or an unusual odor, for example, there may be an infection or STD in the mix that will need treatment by a doctor.

    Vaginal Health

    If all else is well, however, start with hydration. Vaginal dryness can be a sign that a woman is dehydrated. Avoid douching of any sort. Soap and bubble baths may also irritate and dry out vaginal tissue. The use of over-the-counter cold remedies and decongestants can cause vaginal dryness, since their very purpose is to remove moisture from mucous membranes.


    The simplest solution to vaginal dryness is to use an over-the-counter sexual lubricant. There are dozens of brands to choose from. Choose a water-based lubricant for two reasons. First of all, if you're using condoms for birth control, a water-based lubricant will not break down the rubber of the condom, while oil-based ones will. Second of all, oil-based lubricants are not easily flushed out of the body and can cause vaginal infections. Similarly, it is best to choose an unflavored, unscented lubricant to avoid any possible irritants. Some women prefer glycerin-free lubrication, as there's some evidence that glycerin may contribute to yeast infections.

    Estrogen Therapy

    If vaginal dryness is persistent, and seems to be associated with an ongoing hormonal imbalance or menopause, a doctor may prescribe a vaginal estrogen product. The most common form is that of a cream that is inserted via applicator into the vagina once a day. Alternatively, a dissolving tablet may be used, or an estrogen-impregnated ring may be inserted and left in place for up to three months. Previously, doctors might recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as a solution to persistent vaginal dryness, but HRT is now believed to increase the risk of breast cancer in patients.


    Sometimes, when vaginal dryness is a problem during sex, the real problem is only a matter of time. That is, it simply takes some time for the vagina to start producing noticeable quantities of natural lubrication. With a patient lover, a focus on non-genital stimulation, and a little oral or manual assistance, a woman and her partner may find that the problem is easily solved without any further outside assistance at all.


    Mayo Clinic: Vaginal Dryness

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