• A rotator cuff tear is often a cause of shoulder pain in adults. A rotator cuff tear may make it difficult to perform everyday activities or to participate in sports.


    The rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons that cover the top of the bone in the shoulder (humerus). The rotator cuff is responsible for holding the shoulder in place, and makes it possible for the arm to rotate and lift the arm.


    The rotator cuff may be completely torn from an injury, or it may be partially torn. This condition is most common in those over 40 years of age. The rotator cuff may be torn from a single traumatic injury or from overuse over a period of time. Some causes of rotator cuff tears are weight lifting, baseball, tennis and rowing.


    Some of the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear are pain when lifting the arm, pain when lowering the arm, weakness in the arm, crackling of the tendons upon movement of the arm, and muscle atrophy.


    The diagnosis of a rotator cuff tear is often made by using diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRIs. The doctor will also perform an examination and measure the range of motion of the shoulder.


    Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear may be present immediately after injury or may become more painful over time. Over-the-counter medications and anti-inflammatory medications can often help relieve the discomfort associated with this condition, as can physical therapy. If the patient does not get relief from these treatments, surgery may be recommended.


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    Rotator Cuff Injury Mayo Clinic

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