• The feet are literally the foundation on which the body stands. Pain in the feet makes exercise, doing physical labor and just everyday living harder, sometimes impossible. The causes of pain in the feet are varied and numerous.


    Poorly fitting shoes can cause painful bunions, corns and calluses, hammertoes, fallen arches and planter warts.

    Medical Conditions

    Medical conditions that cause foot pain include diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy and pregnancy.


    Pain in the ball of the foot, also called metatarsalgia, occurs with arthritis, circulation problems and pinched nerves between the toes, poor posture, joint abnormality and nerve damage.


    Freiberg's disease or tissue death in some of the bones that make up the ball of the foot develops from injury and causes significant foot pain.

    Morton's Neuroma

    Morton's neuroma is thickening and swelling of tissue around nerves between the third and fourth toes. It causes sharp, tingling, shooting, burning pain in the feet.

    Other Causes

    Broken and fractured bones, gout, bone spurs, bursitis, tendinitis and sprains cause pain in the feet, along with getting older and weight gain.


    Medline Plus: Foot Pain

    Merck Manual: Pain in the Ball of the Foot

    University of Maryland Medical Center: Foot Pain Causes

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