• Legal separation is when a husband and wife separate; at that time they are considered neither married nor divorced. In the state of Texas, legal separation is not recognized by the court system.

    Why Should Separation Be Made Legal?

    If either spouse moves out to separate, the spouse should consider making it legal to protect child custody concerns, taxes and all other debts that might come up after the separation.

    Texas & Legal Separation

    The state of Texas is one of only seven states in the United States that does not recognize legal documentation of separation.

    Separation or Divorce?

    Separated parties cannot ask the court for orders that deal with the house, child custody and support, or any other property. The court will only hand down orders in divorce matters. If a party is concerned about receiving or keeping property, children, or the home then the party should file for divorce.

    Community Property State

    Texas is a community property state. Community property state means that any assets and debts that a couple acquires throughout the whole duration of their marriage will be divided as close to equally as possible when the couple divorces.

    Texas Divorce

    Since legal separation is not recognized in Texas, many couples file for divorce. The state of Texas has both no-fault divorce and fault divorce.

    Source: Texas Divorce Law Texas Divorce and Family Law Divorce in Texas

    More Information: Texas divorce law

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