• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Mint Dries Pimples

    According to Dr. Helen Arthurton on Acne Assassin, mint is one of the most effective topical treatments for pimples. She claims that "many people" have applied mint to their acne before going to bed and had the pimples dry out by the following morning. The doctor said that mint-flavored toothpaste could be used for this purpose.

    On the Other: Mint Content of Toothpaste Varies

    Not all toothpaste contains mint, and even those brands that do contain it will do so to varying degrees. Dr. Arthurton cautions against using the gel form. She recommends fresh mint juice instead as a more effective method of drying pimples. She also says that it may not work for everyone.

    Bottom Line

    If you suffer from acne and have not found a good treatment, fresh mint juice is ideal. In lieu of that, the toothpaste remedy seems like a potentially effective, low-cost remedy with few drawbacks.


    Acne Assassin

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