• Located between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America, Costa Rica is bordered by the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica has a tropical and subtropical climate, with the dry season ranging from December to April and the rainy season from May to November. The terrain ranges from coastal plains to rugged mountains, and four volcanoes are on Costa Rica, two of which are active. Costa Rica's climate, terrain and geographic location allow for great biodiversity.

    Plant Life

    There are more than 9,000 identifiable species of vascular plants, including more than 900 different species of trees, in Costa Rica. Costa Rica has approximately 1,500 species of orchids, most of which are epiphytes, which are plants that live on trees as a method to reach the sunlight and feed off water and nutrients that accumulate around trees' roots.

    Plants Unique to Costa Rica

    An estimated 600 plant species are found only in Costa Rica. Among them are a Hyclocereus calcaratus (a cactus), Sabazia densa, Heliconia umbrophila, Stenanona costaricensis, Bourreria grandicalyx and two bromeliads: Puya dasyliriodes and Tillandsia abdita. Among the endemic plant genera are Utleya, Osa and Gamanthera, while the orchids unique to Costa Rica include Panarica neglecta and Reichanthra rolfeana.

    Amphibians Unique to Costa Rica

    The recently extinct golden toad (Bufo periglenes) is the most famous of the amphibian species known only to Costa Rica. The golfo dulce poison-dart frog (Phyllobates vittatus), the blue-sided leaf frog (Agalychnis annaw) and a rubber frog (Eleutherodactylus persimils) are among the endemic frogs in Costa Rica. Other amphibians unique to Costa Rice include Alvarado's salamander (Bolitoglossa alvaradio), the Monteverde moss salamander (Nototriton gamezi), the Los Diamantes worm salamander (Oedipina carablanca) and the airstrip ceacilian (Oscaecilia osae).

    Mammals Unique to Costa Rica

    Underwood's pocket gopher, the mountain spiny pocket mouse, Harris's olingo and Rodriguez's harvest mouse are among the mammals found only in Costa Rica.

    Fish Unique to Costa Rica

    There are many freshwater fish species found only in Costa Rica, including the T-bar cichlid (Archocentrus sajica), the pearl cichlid (Amphilphus rhytisma), the tetra (Hypessobrycon savage), the semaphore testra (Pterobrycon myrnae). The white-starred goby, the Cocos triplefin, the knave goby, the Cocos stargazer and the red-striped wrasse are marine fish found only around Costa Rica's Cocos Island.

    Birds Unique to Costa Rica

    Two genera of birds are found only on Costa Rica's Cocos Island: the Cocos Flycatcher and the Cocos Finch. The mangrove hummingbird, the coppery-headed emerald, the black-cheeked ant-tanger and the Cocos cuckoo are among the endemic birds of Costa Rica.


    CIA - The World Factbook - Costa Rica

    Costa Rica - Wildlife and Biodiversity

    Living National Treasures: Costa Rica

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