• Heat stroke is a potentially fatal condition characterized by extreme increases in body temperature. It is the most serious degree of a group of heat emergencies that also includes heat cramps and heat exhaustion.

    The Facts

    The Mayo Clinic defines heat stroke as a body temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher caused by vigorous physical activity, environment or other factors. Heat cramps and heat exhaustion present milder symptoms that can escalate to heat stroke if left untreated.

    Heat Cramps

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) heat cramps occur when sweating causes a depletion of the body's normal levels of moisture and salt. Symptoms include spasms and pain that tend to appear in the legs, arms or abdomen.

    Heat Exhaustion

    Heat exhaustion occurs when the body's loss of salt and fluids escalates. The CDC cites signs of the condition that include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heavy sweating, muscle cramps, fainting, rapid pulse and shallow breathing.

    Heat Stroke

    Heat stroke represents the most extreme development of heat-related illness. The University of Maryland Medical Center cites signs of the condition that include mental disorientation, seizures, high body temperature, headache, rapid heartbeat, hallucinations and loss of consciousness.


    Early treatment of heat illness can prevent escalation of symptoms.


    The Mayo Clinic - Heat Stroke: Definition

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Extreme Heat: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety

    University of Maryland Medical Center - Dehydration and Heat Stroke

    More Information:

    U.S. Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health: Heat Emergencies

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