• Snoring can be an embarrassing habit, especially for a woman, as it is a trait usually considered more masculine than feminine. Snoring is not just embarrassing for a woman, it can also be detrimental to her health. Snoring is a sign that the body is not taking in enough oxygen while sleeping. This could be a result of chronic respiratory problems or short-term issues, such as a cold. Use the following suggestions to help you or the woman in your life stop snoring.

    Consult a doctor

    If snoring is a result of a chronic problem--such as sleep apnea or a sinus infection--it is essential to treat the source of the problem and not just the side effect, which is snoring. Have your doctor check your nasal cavities for signs of infection and prescribe an antibiotic to treat the illness. Or, if no infection is present, you may want to have your doctor perform a sleep apnea test. If your snoring is found to be a result of sleep apnea, your doctor will fit you with a CPAP mask and machine, which will force air down your passageways during sleep, ensuring you receive sufficient air and eliminating the snoring.

    Nasal strips

    If there are no underlying medical causes for your snoring, it may be as simple to fix as applying a nasal strip to the bridge of your nose before sleeping. These strips, which have adhesive on one side, adhere to the nose, pulling apart the passageways. This allows more air into the nose and lungs, preventing the body from gasping for air during sleep. If you are concerned about appearance, clear strips can be found that are nearly invisible when applied.

    Nasal sprays

    Nasal sprays contain ingredients which constrict blood vessels in the nostrils. These sprays can be an effective antidote for the woman who snores occasionally, but should not be used for more than three consecutive days. The body will become accustomed to the ingredients in the spray and this can actually end up making the problem worse.

    Sleeping position

    Changing your sleeping position may have a significant impact on your snoring habits. If you sleep on your back, your tongue likely falls back into your throat, obstructing your airway and causing the snoring noise. To combat this tendency, teach yourself to sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees. To train your body to sleep in a new position, wear pajama pants with pockets on the behind and place small balls, such as tennis balls or ping pong balls, into the pockets to prevent yourself from rolling over in your sleep.


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