• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Honey May Break Down Scar Tissue

    Honey is a natural wonder. One of the beneficial ways it works is to break down scar tissue. Since stretch marks are related to scars, it is possible that honey may help to remove stretch marks that have developed on the body. The most common natural remedy using honey for stretch marks involves warming the area with a wet rag, applying the honey, leaving it on for five minutes and then wiping it off.

    On the Other: Other Ingredients May Be Necessary

    Different products are on the market for people who want to use honey to remove stretch marks. Most of these products are marketed toward pregnant women, so they contain only natural ingredients that are safe for the baby. However, these products do contain ingredients in addition to honey. Honey products designed to help remove stretch marks are typically not made with just honey alone.

    Bottom Line

    Honey may help to remove stretch marks from the skin. However, for best results, you will want to choose a natural product that incorporates other ingredients also known to help promote skin elasticity and remove scars. Lemon, aloe, vitamin E and various oils may all help in making honey a more effective tool for removing stretch marks.

    Source: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Tummy Honey Information

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