• After writing a first draft (and subsequent drafts) of a book or story, the revision process begins. Whether performed by the author or by other individuals, a revision changes, reformats and/or reorganizes a book or story to express its ideas clearly and effectively.


    Revision means literally to "see again," and is more about copyediting and structural revision than the grammar and spelling corrections many people think of when they think about revision.

    Structural Revision

    Broad structural revision, called developmental editing in the professional world, includes assessing the viability and consistency of the thesis or main theme throughout the document and making suggestions for adding, subtracting or revising content.


    Whereas developmental editing focuses on the "big picture," copyediting focuses on sentence- and paragraph-level issues such as transitions between ideas, correct word choice, clarification of ideas and accurate facts and citations.


    Depending on the audience for the book or story, the author may be responsible for revising on her own; with the help of teachers, friends, or co-workers; or with the help of professional editors.


    Proofreading comes at the end of the revision process, when the document is almost ready, and entails checking for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and style or formatting.


    Revising Drafts

    Editorial Services Guide

    More Information:

    Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

    Revising Your Story

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