• Glaucoma is an eye condition in which eye pressure builds up and damages the optic nerve if not treated. Risk factors include aging, taking certain medications and genetic predisposition.


    Treatment starts with eye drops, of which there are several different brands. These reduce the production of liquid in the front part of the eye and increase drainage to reduce eye pressure. Oral medications such as Alphagan and Namenda may protect the optic nerve from damage.


    Laser surgery called trabeculoplasty treats open-angle glaucoma with a high-energy laser beam to open drainage canals.


    A trabeculectomy creates an opening in the white part of the eye when the surgeon removes a small piece from the base of the eye so fluid can drain.

    Drainage Implants

    Small silicone tubes can be inserted in the eye to help drain fluid.


    Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency condition treated with medications and iridotomy. This is a laser procedure that creates a small hole in the iris to drain the eye.


    Laser cilioablation, laser burning of the fluid-making cells to reduce eye pressure, treats patients with severe glaucoma if other therapies don't work.


    Mayo Clinic: Glaucoma: Treatments and Drugs Glaucoma Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma

    More Information:

    Glaucoma Research Foundation: Types of Glaucoma Causes of Glaucoma

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