• While calcium deficiency has become a buzzword in the health world, excessive calcium may do more harm than good. Calcium deposits in the fingernails indicate an imbalance of this substance in the body.


    Our bodies require a certain amount of calcium. According to the National Insititutes of Health, this essential mineral aids in muscle and blood vessel contraction, nerve function, hormonal secretions, and bone formation and maintenance.

    Calcium Deposits

    While the body usually eliminates excess calcium through excretion, some medical conditions or an unbalanced diet can cause an excess of calcium to form in soft tissues, such as skin or nails.

    Effects on Fingernails

    Fingernails afflicted with calcium deposits display white spots. The deposits may soften and weaken the nails, causing them to tear.


    For people who consume too much calcium, cutting all calcium out of the diet temporarily may correct the imbalance. A doctor must treat any underlying metabolic problem that causes faulty calcium distribution in the body.


    The Cybernation article warns that while reducing calcium intake may eliminate fingernail deposits, too little calcium causes a host of other health problems, especially in women.


    National Institutes of Health: Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Calcium How Calcium Affects Your Health

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