• Within your spine are passages called foramina. These openings are holes between your vertebrae where spinal nerves enter and exit as they travel to other parts of your body. When you suffer from foraminal stenosis the openings become clogged.


    When the passages become narrowed or clogged with foraminal stenosis your nerves become compressed within the openings.


    The cause of the narrowing is typically because of a degenerative condition such as arthritis or normal wear and tear.


    Each of your vertebrae has two foramina on either side. When the left side of your opening becomes clogged, left foraminal stenosis occurs.

    Left Foraminal Stenosis

    Foraminal stenosis on the left side causes pain on the left side of your body such as your neck or lower back.


    To treat left foraminal stenosis you can use pain medication, massage or heat/ice therapy. However, if your pain becomes too serve you may need surgery.


    The Spinal Columns: Left or Right Stenosis

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