• Pneumatic tools are a modernized version of many hand tools, only they are powered by compressed air. This type of mechanical device can ease the strain and reduce the amount of time spent on a project versus using basic tools. Each pneumatic tool has its own instruction manual and procedures that must be followed to ensure user safety.

    Kinds of Tools

    There are many air-powered tools on the market that are easily available to consumers. Some examples are jackhammers, nail guns, sanders, grinders, staple guns, buffers, chipping hammers, paint spray guns and drills.

    Air Compression

    All pneumatic tools are powered by air compression. Before use, the proper hoses and fittings must be connected from the tool to the air compressor. Blow out the airline before the tool is connected to the air compressor. Take careful steps to ensure that the connections are properly secured before using a pneumatic tool.


    Pneumatic tools make chores, hobbies, construction and a variety of do-it-yourself projects so much easier and time efficient. For example, nail guns can work much more quickly than using a hammer or screwdriver. Air staplers provide a more secure staple and allow you to exert much less energy doing so. Sanders can be used both around the house and for automobile touch-ups. They make the finishing cosmetic touches on cars appear smoother than a regular hand sander, and they help remove rust and paint around the home. Spray guns make paint applications more productive and timely.


    As advantageous as pneumatic tools are, they require much more maintenance than regular hand tools. The oil must be changed approximately every 250 hours or every 6 months so the tool continues to operate efficiently. Wear safety glasses and appropriate equipment when operating pneumatic tools. Clean power tools regularly so that power and efficiency are not compromised.


    Pneumatic Tools: Basic Safety

    Pneumatic Tools: Use Tips & Safety Issues

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