• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Consider Seating Comfort

    Tim Carter, author of the nationally syndicated column "Ask the Builder," says that a window seat should be between 17 and 22 inches deep in order to be comfortably used as a seat. If it's shallower than that, the seat may be too narrow for comfort.

    On the Other: Consider Window Seat Cushions and Use

    If the window seat will have back cushions, add the depth of the cushions to the above window seat depth. Consider making the window seat deeper if it will be long enough to stretch out on or if someone might sit sideways on it.

    Bottom Line

    The standard window seat depth is 17 to 22 inches, about the depth of a typical kitchen chair. It can be made a little deeper to accommodate back cushions or for extra comfort. If it's deeper than about 24 inches, though, most people won't be able to rest against the back of the seat comfortably.

    Source: Window Seat

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