• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: The Lifestyle Lift

    The Lifestyle Lift claims to be a way to reduce symptoms of aging such as lines and wrinkles with a much shorter recovery time than traditional plastic surgery. Instead of a general anesthetic, it uses a local and is performed in the doctor's office. Since it uses a local anesthetic, it reduces the dangers associated with a general anesthetic. The procedure only takes about an hour to perform. It is performed by a surgeon specially trained to do the Lifestyle Lift. The cost of the operation is in the range of $4,000.

    On the Other: Not Everyone is Happy with the Procedure

    There are several complaints out on the Internet about the Lifestyle Lift procedure. One woman claimed that she was in extreme pain for several days after the operation and had to apply ice to her face to reduce the swelling. Another woman claims that after three years one side of her face has fallen while the other side remains in place. She claims that she looks like an off-centered clown.

    Bottom Line

    As with most plastic surgery, some people feel they have had great results and look 15 years younger, while others feel that the Lifestyle Lift is a complete disaster. You must remember that even though the procedure claims to be less invasive than traditional plastic surgery, it is still a surgery that can have negative results and side effects. Try to find out as much as possible about the procedure and talk to people who have had it before making your final decision.


    Central Plastic Surgery: Lifestyle lift

    Real Self: Lifestyle lift

    More Information:

    Local SEO Guide: Fake reviews for lifestyle lift

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