• Latest scientific update on this topic:
  • Those trials which supposedly back up the claim that circumcision prevents HIV were funded by an Israeli religious group named Operation Abraham. The aim of Operation Abraham is especially to get all blacks and hispanics circumcised. Why are they targeting those minorities? Why are they putting forth biased science and trying to impose their religious beliefs on our bodies? At their presentation for the CDC, O.A.'s speaker projected a photo of an intact man with a drawing of an elephant overlaid on the picture, below it the caption: CIRCUMCISION? YES, PLEASE! Several attendees walked out in protest. Operation Abraham, please keep your mohels away from our babies!!!
  • Have I ever felt like an official what?
  • I read a week or so ago that the CDC was going to push for mandatory circumcision of all American born baby boys. I'm infuriated by that. Are we going to join third-world countries now and start mutilating babies by law?
  • I think that is a case of "officials" overstepping their bounds.

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